The 1st national meeting for researchers on Open Science will be held on 29th of May 2017 in Delft:…/1st-national-meeting-for-researchers….
This day is particularly intended to hear the questions and opinions of PhD candidates on OS.
The day will be opened by Sander Dekker and will be chaired by PNN’s own Rolf van Wegberg.
We would like to get as many PhD candidates at this event as is humanly possible.
So, please spread the word to your fellow PhD candidates!
You can sign up for the event here:…/1FAIpQLSfeW87HhRXr7j1Lba…/viewform.
Hope meeting was successful and it’s really great moment to hear from plenty of Ph.D. candidates. Why because they possess great knowledge and have the practical mindset. Thank you and keep me updated.